Georges Burou (1910–1987) was a French gynecologist who managed a clinic[1] in Casablanca, Morocco and is widely credited with innovating modern sex reassignment surgery for trans women.[2]
Notable patients include Coccinelle, April Ashley and Jan Morris.
Surgeons, including the late Stanley Biber, have credited Burou's methods as the basis for their techniques.[3] Dr. Burou died in a boating accident. Dr. Burou is mentioned in Jan Morris' book 'conundrum' as only Dr. B. Dr. Burou further influenced the SRS career of Okie plastic surgeon Dr. William David Foerester. According to April Ashley's autobiography, when her husband wanted their marriage unnulled as a pseudo marriage between two men, April contacted Dr. Burou to testify or send an avadivit on her behalf. He never responded. According to Ashley's autobiography Dr. Burou's surgeries were performed in a dark and foreboding basement.